Projection graphics. Objects, condition and methods of projection; Gnomonic,
stereographic and orthographic projections; Coordinate systems and grid scales,
scale distortion, and conditions of conformity and equivalence. Axonometric
projections; Isometric; Dimetric and oblique projections; Conical equivalent
and. equivalent cylindrical projections.
Spatial graphics. Basic principles of multiview drawings and Monge's
projections; Points in quadrants and octants; Projections of lines and traces of
lines; True relative positions of two planes and of a straight line and a plane;
Method of revolution. Projections of polyhedrons, curved lines and surfaces;
Contour mapping of curved surfaces; Plane sections .of polyhedrons and curved
surfaces; Intersection of planes and surfaces and lines and surfaces;
Development of curved surfaces. Affine correspondence and its applications.
Product graphics. Introduction to various product features; identification of
functional and non-functional, surfaces; Selection of datum; Tolerancing of
dimensions. Compatibility of product elements for manufacturing and assembly
requirements; Sectional and auxiliary views.
Computer graphics. Basic principles for interactive computer graphics; Systems
and peripherals required; Point plotting technique; Line drawing displays;
Modelling of two and three-dimensions; Display of solid objects.